Architectural and Landscape Committee

The Architectural and Landscape Committee (ALC) is responsible for the document each new resident receives that defines criteria for maintaining our homes and landscaping.  These criteria support the value of our Quail Creek investment by ensuring we remain surrounded by homes reflecting acceptable aesthetic standards, The ALC monitors adherence to these criteria and updates them as needed.

Architectural & Landscape Requirements & Permits
Arizona Landscaping

ALC Office Phone: 520-393-5803; ALC Email:

Committee Members - Updated 10/9/2024

  1. Connie Bandstra, Chair, POA Board President
  2. Patricia (Pat) Colburn
  3. Charles Schinner
  4. Douglas (Doug) Shumway
  5. Robert (Bob) Spetter
  6. Joseph (Joe) Zimny


Meetings are scheduled on the second and fourth Thursday of each month, at 9 AM in the Madera Clubhouse Silver Room #1. Changes to the meeting schedule are announced in What's Happening at Quail Creek.