Tennis Courts
You Only Live Once, But You Get to Serve Twice!
There are six lighted tennis courts for year-round play.
Hours of Operation
Tennis court hours are from sunrise to 10:00 PM. The courts are lighted for night play and players are asked to turn off the lights when play is completed.
Tennis Court Cleaning Schedule: Cleaning Schedule
Quail Creek Tennis Club
The Quail Creek Tennis Club (QCTC) manages the scheduling of tennis facilities on behalf of the community.
Quail Creek Tennis Club -
Membership forms are on the bulletin board in the Sports Center. Membership cost is $25 per year.
- Participate in organized play (*see below
- Tennis Club Socials
- Full membership in the Quail Creek Tennis Club
Membership in the Quail Creek Tennis Club is open to all residents of Quail Creek. Renters meeting the requirements of the Quail Creek Property Association Rules and Regulations are also eligible to join the club.
Organized Play
- Sign up for organized play is on the kiosk at the Tennis Court.
- Sign up information is also on the website
- If you are a new player, please include your full name and phone number on the sign-up sheet.
- Courts are reserved for organized play Monday - Saturday mornings. Start times vary with the seasons.
Court and Ball Machine Reservations
- Courts are reserved for Quail Creek Tennis Club Organized Play Monday – Saturday mornings. Start times vary with the seasons. Check the kiosk at the Tennis Courts for current start times.
- Lessons have a priority on Court 6 when it is not used for league play.
- If you wish to reserve a court during non-organized play time, you may do so up to one week in advance. Courts are reserved on The facility is Quail Creek Tennis Green Valley
- Courts are open before organized play on a first come first serve basis.
- The ball machine may be reserved for use on court 5 or 6. There is a one hour time limit for the ball machine.
- To reserve a court and the ball machine, please type ball machine in the box labeled Note when you sign up for the court online.
- If you are not able to use the court or machine during the time you have made the reservation, please release the court.
- After fifteen minutes, a no show will be considered a cancellation.
Guest Use
Quail Creek tennis courts are for Quail Creek residents and their guests. Per the CC&Rs, guests may be family or friends who are here at the invitation of a resident.
The courts at Quail Creek are not public, therefore, play by outside guests will be limited.
- The Quail Creek Tennis Club sets the guest policy for those days/times that are established for "club play". The guest policy for other "open times" is governed by the POA rules and regulations. In general, guest players must be accompanied by, and at the invitation of a resident.
- Court time may be reserved up to one (1) week in advance