Banquets, Catering & Weddings
PebbleCreek’s Banquets and Catering staff members book and administer banquets, weddings, and catering services. They create memorable special events, overseeing all aspects, from planning through detailed completion. They cater events at Tuscany Falls, Eagle's Nest -- or at your home.
Select from their standard banquet menus, or ask them to create a menu especially for you.
Special-event venues offer a variety of pleasing settings and conveniences, including:
both outdoor and indoor ceremony areas
indoor banquet and reception areas
water's edge
onsite catering, including liquor license
wheelchair access
capacities up to 400 guests
Planning your event

Let PebbleCreek's Banquets and Catering staff help you plan your special:
birthday celebration
retirement party
wedding reception
anniversary event
unit party
PebbleCreek club event
Planning a wedding? Visit PebbleCreek's wedding Web page (may require a free sign-up to the site.) To see pricing, click here for wedding packages and click here for special summer wedding packages.
Events created by the PebbleCreek Banquets and Catering Team

Banquets and Catering Team
Events Coordinator: Tayler Gonzales
Office: 623-935-6726
Office location: NW corner of Tuscany Falls Clubhouse
16222 Clubhouse Drive, Goodyear, AZ 85395
Office Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 11 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. - walk-ins welcome
Friday, Saturday by appointment only.
Holiday hours may vary
Starting Nov. 1
Tuesday - Friday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Walk-ins welcome
Saturday by appointment only.
Holiday hours may vary.