Ticket Sales

The 330-seat Renaissance Theater in Tuscany Falls Clubhouse hosts memorable performances by touring professionals, as well as by talented homeowners.  Ticket sales for the various entertaining performances scheduled at PebbleCreek are handled in several ways, depending on who is responsible for the production:  PC staff or PC clubs. 

The Tuscany Falls Clubhouse is located at 16222 Clubhouse Drive, Goodyear, AZ  85395.

For Outside Performers presented at PebbleCreek:
When Activities Office staff books professional musicians, singers,dancers, comedians, and other entertainers from outside PebbleCreek to bring touring shows to PC’s Renaissance Theater throughout the year, homeowners may purchase tickets:

• Buy tickets in person at the Activities Office or
• Buy tickets online, by logging into the HOA website and going to Member Center >> Event Tickets.  After completing their online orders, patrons pick up their tickets at the Activities Office or at the venue.  Click here for more information on "Will Call".
• Credit cards accepted for payment.

For Bus Trips to outside entertainment and sports venues:


• Buy tickets in person at the Activities Office  
• HOA Member Cards accepted for payment

For Dances sponsored by the Activities Office


• Buy tickets in person at the Activities Office  
• HOA Member Cards accepted for payment

Artists Series season tickets are ordered months in advance through Activities Office staff. Each year’s season package of external, professional performers presents two different shows per month from January through March. At the March productions, season-ticket holders are handed schedules and forms as they leave the theater to renew their season tickets for the following year. March is also the month when new patrons may submit their season application forms to the Activities Office. During the summer, Activities Office staff assign seats for the coming season, giving first priority to returning season patrons. In October, tickets are issued for the coming season’s series. After Jan.1, any unfilled seats are sold as single-performance tickets.

See Mark Your Calendar for information about upcoming Activities Office events. 

For homeowner performers:
When PC performing arts clubs present a performance featuring their volunteer members, tickets for these productions usually go on sale about a month prior to opening night. Tickets may be purchased online using a credit card (VISA or MasterCard) or in person at the Renaissance Theater on the first day of sales or at the Eagle’s Nest kiosk according to the club’s pre-announced schedule.  In-person purchases may be paid for with cash, check or credit card (VISA or MasterCard).  

To purchase tickets online, click on the link for the specific club once online ticket sales open.

PebbleCreek Players Community Theater
Becky's New Car
March 11 - 15, 2025

Renaissance Theater, 7 p.m.

For more information about PebbleCreek Players Community Theater: PC Players 

ShowTime Productions
Singin' in the Rain
Directed by Kathy Mitchell
March 31 - April 5, 2025

Tickets on sale March 1, 8 a.m., at this link.
For more information about ShowTime Productions, click here

PebbleCreek Singers
Moments to Remember
Thursday, April 24, through Saturday, April 26
7 p.m, Renaissance Theater
Ticket sales open online on Monday, March 24, at 8 a.m. - click here to order tickets
For more information about the PC Singers, click here.

PebbleCreek Musicians

The PebbleCreek Musicians are planning their next concert, Burst of Music XVII, for Feb. 27, 28, and March 1, 2025.  
Join us to enjoy the music of The Big Dogs and Patti Hall & The Wayward Snowbirds.

For show information:    PC Musicians  

For non-performance events
When other clubs or groups open their events (such as dinner dances, state parties, and speakers) to all homeowners, the sponsoring clubs handle their ticket sales themselves. They often promote their events on this site as well as using articles in the PebbleCreek Post.

The seating plan for the Renaissance Theater, located at the southwest end of Tuscany Falls Clubhouse, accommodates 330 people in 13 rows of up to 28 seats per row. The plan includes seven designated spaces for wheelchairs, and exterior entry/exit ramps for disabled patrons on both sides of the theater building. 

PebbleCreek’s hearing-assist program is designed to improve the listening experience of hearing-aid users and others who have limited loss of hearing.

The PCHOA has installed wireless, FM, sound-signal transmitters in the Renaissance Theater (as well as in PebbleCreek’s three largest gathering spaces: TF Ballroom, TF Chianti Room, and Eagle’s Nest Ballroom.) Users of appropriate hearing-assist receivers and headphones are able to receive a sound signal wirelessly and control their own volume for enhanced sound clarity. The hearing-assist signal is transmitted anytime the house sound system is used in the indicated rooms, and for most outside entertainment performed in the theater.  

Individuals need to purchase their own hearing-assist receiver/headphones, ensuring their access every time they desire to enhance their listening. ABBN (www.abbn.com) in Scottsdale is familiar with PebbleCreek and sells two of the models that work with our system -- the HED-021 and the PPA-R37N.  ABBN can be reached through their website or by phone at 888-556-3887.