WELCOME TO PebbleCreek Golf Resort HOA

Recreation and Fitness

Two fitness centers and a fitness studio near the clubhouses on each side of the PebbleCreek community, are available for all homeowners, homeowners’ visitors, and Robson Preferred Guests to enjoy. Both fitness centers feature:

  • Work-out rooms with fitness equipment and free weights
  • Luxurious men’s and women’s locker rooms, showers, and steam rooms
  • Resort-style outdoor swimming pools with lap lanes
  • Outdoor whirlpool spa
  • Outdoor patio seating in sun and shade
Eagle's Nest Fitness Center hh    Tuscany Falls Fitness Center

Tuscany Falls Sports Complex

  • Tuscany Falls Fitness Center (renovated in 2015) with separate workout areas for Cardio and Weight conditioning exercise.  Over 40 pieces of cardio equipment with internet and cable connectivity, and full range of free weights and LifeFitness weight machines.  Full service locker rooms with steam rooms.

  • Heated indoor pool with lap lanes (as well as outdoor lap lanes)

  • Outdoor pool’s beach entry and resistance-walking channel and hot tub/spa

  • Separate, gated children’s wading pool with patio seating with Ed’s Dogs walk-up snack bar 

  • Sanctuary spa massage services, vendor-provided by appointment - spa price list

  • Fitness Center Hours - Monday - Thursday 6 a.m. - 7 p.m. Friday 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday/Sunday 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.  

  • Tuscany Falls and Eagle's Nest Pools are open daily from 5 a.m. - 11 p.m. Entrance to the pools is through the Fitness Center during building hours of operation and via pool gates before and after hours.
    Tuscany Falls Kiddy Pool is open daily from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

  • 16150 West Clubhouse Drive, Goodyear, AZ 85395
  • TF Fitness Center front desk:  623-935-6740

The Tuscany Falls Fitness Studios

  • Opened in 2016, features three studios for aerobic classes, dance, and spin bikes 

  • Each studio equipped with mirrored walls, ceiling fans, resilient flooring, hand weights, and exercise balls/mats/steps/bands. All you bring are your towel, water bottle, and enthusiasm. 

  • Group-exercise classes are scheduled Monday through Saturday.  Exercise classes are $5.  You may purchase discounted class punch cards at the front desk of each center.  Punch cards allow entry at $3.75 per class. 

  • Spin Bike studio features 10 Life Fitness Bikes, with a 60" TV/DVD 

  • Hours:   Monday and Wednesday  8 a.m. - noon and 3 - 5 p.m.
                  Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday  8 a.m. - noon
                   Saturday  8 a.m. - noon

  • 16214 West Clubhouse Drive, Goodyear, AZ  85395
  • TF Fitness Studios front desk:  623-935-6752

The Eagle's Nest Fitness Center

  • Located in the Eagle's Nest Clubhouse, features 16 cardio machines, and a full line of weight conditioning machines and free weights 

  • Outdoor Pool, Lap Pool, and hot/tub spa 

  • Full up locker rooms with steam rooms 

  • Hours:  Monday - Thursday 6 a.m. – 6 p.m.   Friday 6 a.m. - 5 p.m.   Saturday/Sunday  7 a.m. - noon   

  • Tuscany Falls and Eagle's Nest Pools are open daily from 5 a.m. - 11 p.m. Tuscany Falls Kiddy Pool is open daily from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

  • 3645 Clubhouse Drive, Goodyear, AZ  85395
  • EN Fitness Center front desk:  623-935-6783


Tuscany Falls Pool

Tuscany Falls Pool Operating Hours: Open 5 a.m. – 11 p.m.

  • Normal children’s hours in effect: 1- 5 p.m. Applies to kids 8 years of age and older.
  • Kiddy Pool operating hours are 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. daily.
    • Kiddy Pool applies to kids 0 – 7 years old, and MUST be accompanied by an adult at all times.
    • For special usage during holiday seasons, click here.

Eagle's Nest Pool

Eagle's Nest Pool Operating Hours: Open 5 a.m. - 11 p.m.

  • Normal children’s hours in effect: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Applies to kids 8 years of age and older

Oasis Pool

Oasis Pool Operating Hours: 8 a.m. – 9 p.m.

  • Adult-only pool

Sport courts, located outdoors throughout the PebbleCreek development, provide facilities for playing bocce ball, horseshoes, pickleball, softball, and tennis. 

Pool use involves a variety of seasonal, scheduled water activities and applicable rules. 
Guest passes: Guests of residents may enjoy PC’s amenities, such as the pools, fitness centers and sport courts, provided their resident hosts have completed procedures to obtain guest passes in advance. 
Self-monitored exercise programs help motivate you to stay fit. Personal exercise log sheets are kept in binders in the work-out rooms at both fitness centers. You maintain your own log sheets to monitor your fitness progress and document your accomplishments.  Maps of walking paths are available by clicking here.
Personal trainers on staff instruct you in the proper, safe use of the work-out machines. Facility orientations are provided twice weekly at each facility:

  • Eagle's Nest: Monday and Tuesday, 8 - 10 a.m.

  • Tuscany Falls: Wednesday, 8 - 10 am.

You may also hire a personal trainer to develop a personalized exercise program for you and to coach you through the process. Rates are negotiable with the individual trainers. The trainers may be contacted through the front desk at each fitness center (see phone numbers and hours above.)




Jean Hachmann
Certified Personal Trainer

The Cool-Down Café (623-935-6748), located in the lobby of the TF Sports Complex, offers grab-and-go snacks, such as power bars, coffee, cocoa, smoothies, fruit juice and more.
Retail items, for sale include t-shirts, sweatshirts, water bottles, fitness towels, beach towels, and more – all emblazoned with the PebbleCreek or Fitness Center logos.  PebbleCreek Gift Cards may be redeemed at both fitness centers.
Recreation activities are planned by Fitness staff throughout the year. Recent fun, fitness-related activities have included:

  • Aqua Volleyball at TF pools (outdoor in summer; indoor in winter) - currently Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays at 1 p.m.
  • Tour de Creek (July) 2023 info sheet   2023 log sheet
  • Flag Day Fitness Challenge
  • Run Turkey Run 5K (November) 
  • The Twelve Days of Fitness (December)
  • Poker Bike Ride

For future activity details, check notices on fitness-center bulletin boards and The Fit Center News newsletter. 

Recreation equipment may be rented at the Tuscany Falls Fitness Center and the Eagle's Nest Fitness Center.  Tennis racquets, pickleball paddles, and bocce ball sets may be rented for $5 per day per item.  Click here for further information.
The Fit Center News, a monthly newsletter, describes current activities at PC’s fitness centers. 

Recreation Director

Office:  623-935-6743
Office location:  In the TF Fitness Center
16150 West Clubhouse Drive, Goodyear, AZ  85395